Section on Legal History
Date Chartered: 1/1/1973 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Carlton F.W. Larson, University of California, Davis, School of Law Phone: (530) 754-5731 E-mail: clarson@ucdavis.edu
| Chair-Elect | H. Timothy Lovelace, Jr., Duke University School of Law Phone: (919) 660-3979 E-mail: lovelace@law.duke.edu
| Secretary | Noah A. Rosenblum, New York University School of Law Phone: (212) 998-6009 E-mail: noah.rosenblum@nyu.edu
| Treasurer | Taja-Nia Y. Henderson, Rutgers Law School Phone: (973) 353-5834 E-mail: thenderson@kinoy.rutgers.edu
| Executive Committee | Gregory A. Mark, DePaul University College of Law Phone: (312) 362-5595 E-mail: gmark@depaul.edu
Rachel E. Rothschild, The University of Michigan Law School Phone: (734) 763-6361 E-mail: rrothsch@umich.edu
Mary Ziegler, University of California, Davis, School of Law Phone: (850) 974-7132 E-mail: mziegler@ucdavis.edu