Section on Institutional Advancement
Date Chartered: 5/31/1984 Click Here for IA Annual Meeting Podcasts
Section Member Login Section OfficersCo-Chair | Stephanie Silvestri, Seton Hall University School of Law Phone: (973) 642-8818 E-mail: stephanie.silvestri@shu.edu
Colleen Taricani, University of California, Irvine School of Law Phone: (949) 824-3063 E-mail: ctaricani@law.uci.edu
| Newsletter Editor | Mary Ann Soden, University of California, Irvine School of Law Phone: (949) 824-9079 E-mail: msoden@law.uci.edu
| Executive Committee | Judy Asbury, Lewis and Clark Law School Phone: (503) 768-6605 E-mail: jasbury@lclark.edu
Brian Costello, LMU Loyola Law School, Los Angeles Phone: (213) 736-1000 E-mail: brian.costello@lls.edu
Elizabeth Field, The George Washington University Law School Phone: (202) 994-6261 E-mail: fielde@law.gwu.edu
Katey Morlino Howerton, William & Mary Law School Phone: (757) 221-1394 E-mail: kmhowe@wm.edu
Heather Rappaport, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, William S. Boyd School of Law Phone: (310) 770-2343 E-mail: heather.rappaport@unlv.edu