Section on Critical Theories
Date Chartered: 5/11/2023 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Athena D. Mutua, University at Buffalo School of Law, The State University of New York Phone: (716) 645-2873 E-mail: admutua@buffalo.edu
| Chair-Elect | Marc-Tizoc Gonzalez, University of New Mexico School of Law Phone: (505) 277-8662 E-mail: gonzalezm@law.unm.edu
| Executive Committee | Steven Bender, Seattle University School of Law Phone: (206) 398-4391 E-mail: benders@seattleu.edu
Jeremiah A. Chin, University of Washington School of Law Phone: (480) 334-7703 E-mail: jerchin@uw.edu
Sherley Cruz, University of Tennessee College of Law Phone: (202) 274-4498 E-mail: sherleycruz@utk.edu
Jonathan Feingold, Boston University School of Law Phone: (617) 353-5793 E-mail: jfeingol@bu.edu
Tiffany C. Graham, Touro University Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center Phone: (631) 761-7117 E-mail: tgraham3@tourolaw.edu
Lucy Jewel, University of Tennessee College of Law Phone: (865) 974-8330 E-mail: ljewel@utk.edu
Emile Loza de Siles, University of Hawai‘i, William S. Richardson School of Law Phone: (808) 956-7966 E-mail: eloza@hawaii.edu
Rebecca A. Tsosie, The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law Phone: (480) 965-2714 E-mail: rebeccatsosie@arizona.edu
Francisco X. Valdes, University of Miami School of Law Phone: (305) 284-5432 E-mail: fvaldesmiami@icloud.com