Section on Empirical Study of Legal Education and the Legal Profession
Date Chartered: 7/17/2017 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Rachel F. Moran, Texas A&M University School of Law Phone: (949) 824-9949 E-mail: moran@law.tamu.edu
| Chair-Elect | Deborah J. Merritt, The Ohio State University, Michael E. Moritz College of Law Phone: (614) 361-6402 E-mail: merritt.52@osu.edu
| Newsletter Editor | Carolyn Young Larmore, Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law E-mail: larmore@chapman.edu
| Executive Committee | Rory D. Bahadur, Washburn University School of Law Phone: (785) 817-8050 E-mail: rory.bahadur@washburn.edu
Jessica Findley, The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law Phone: (214) 564-8627 E-mail: jessfin@arizona.edu
Jeremy R. Paul, Northeastern University School of Law Phone: (617) 373-8887 E-mail: j.paul@northeastern.edu
Ann Southworth, University of California, Irvine School of Law Phone: (949) 824-2917 E-mail: asouthworth@law.uci.edu
Amy Widman, Rutgers Law School Phone: (973) 353-3166 E-mail: amy.widman@rutgers.edu