Section on European Law
Date Chartered: 5/8/2013 Section Member Login Section OfficersChair | Irene Calboli, Texas A&M University School of Law Phone: (817) 212-4028 E-mail: icalboli@law.tamu.edu
| Chair-Elect | Dagmar R. Myslinska, Creighton University School of Law Phone: (402) 280-5582 E-mail: dagmarmyslinska@creighton.edu
| Secretary | Anna Conley, Alexander Blewett III School of Law at the University of Montana Phone: (406) 243-6745 E-mail: anna.conley@mso.umt.edu
| Executive Committee | Kristen Barnes, Syracuse University College of Law E-mail: gkbarnes@syr.edu
Francesca Bignami, The George Washington University Law School Phone: (202) 994-2470 E-mail: fbignami@law.gwu.edu
Daniela Caruso, Boston University School of Law Phone: (617) 353-7024 E-mail: danielac@bu.edu
Tracy A. Kaye, Seton Hall University School of Law Phone: (973) 642-8455 E-mail: tracy.kaye@shu.edu
Paul Linden-Retek, University at Buffalo School of Law, The State University of New York Phone: (716) 645-5541 E-mail: plinden@buffalo.edu
Peter L. Lindseth, University of Connecticut School of Law Phone: (646) 734-9485 E-mail: peter.lindseth@uconn.edu
Fernanda Giorgia Nicola, American University, Washington College of Law Phone: (202) 274-4417 E-mail: fnicola@wcl.american.edu
Vlad Perju, Boston College Law School E-mail: perju@bc.edu
Paolo Saguato, Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University Phone: (703) 993-8278 E-mail: psaguato@gmu.edu
Panagiotis T. Tridimas, Penn State Law Phone: (814) 865-8975 E-mail: put3@psu.edu